We are working closely with Duke Compliance Management to ensure that all projects strictly follow patient privacy guidelines. Compliance Management made a presentation to participants and has developed guidelines, as well as provided Duke University Hospital System consent forms, which we will provide in a password-protected sub-page. Please contact me if you are participating in our program and need the password.
Consent & Ethics
“The teenagers I photographed taught me a lot, even as many of them struggled with serious challenges in their own lives. Having gone out to meet with them in their world, I came away with no neat formulations about teenage pregnancy but rather a richer, more accurate context in which to see them, and I hope, better understand their experience.” – John Moses, M.D.
“People learn using different modalities, and for some people the visual route opens the door to understanding. Even richer than teaching using documentary methods is the experience of the individual who prepares the materials, since documentary studies by their nature include rich human interactions. We learn when we take part, whether as the subject, the documentarian, or the viewer. This is a unusually meaningful project in which I'm very glad to participate." - Dr. Ross McKinney, Director of the Trent Center
Our Sponsors
The Graduate Medical Education Innovation Fund
The Trent Center for Bioethics, Humanities and History of Medicine